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Step towards Success: ICSE Class 10 Board Exam Preparation Tips

Although students have already geared up for scoring top marks in the board examination 2023, some are struggling with setting up a good timetable for the purpose.

In this blog, we will explore how to study to score top marks in the board exams along with some effective tips and tricks for creating a well-organized study timetable, with special advice on obtaining good marks from Calcutta Public School, the best ICSE board school in Kolkata.

Preparing Effectively for ICSE Class 10 Board Exams

Students who prepare for board exams always aim to score above 90% marks. But only hard work does not suffice for the fact. Students need to be alert and smart while preparing for the same, in terms of creating proper and effective study plans and performing regular revision tests with time management. 

Mentioned below are a few tips from the Calcutta Public School, that can be helpful for students who are all set to appear for the 10th ICSE board examinations in the year 2024:

  • Complete Knowledge of the Entire ICSE 10th Syllabus – The first and foremost step in preparing for the board exam is having a comprehensive knowledge of the entire syllabus. Thorough checking of the whole syllabus and making note of the topics and subjects that require special attention and care will provide a clear picture of the candidate’s standing or position and thus they can start their preparation accordingly.

  • Make A Timetable & Follow It – The preliminary step towards achieving the desired goal is the creation of an effective and all-inclusive timetable and abide by it throughout the year. Plan the timetable in such a manner as if there is just one month left for the board exams. It is the most efficient way to prepare for ICSE.

  • Follow the ICSE textbooks Thoroughly – The ICSE syllabus is the most holistic syllabus at present and the textbooks are also comprehensive and proper. They include extensive knowledge which is enough to be exam-ready. The basic concepts and doubts are scientifically answered in every book on each subject and going through these books will help the students to gain extensive knowledge on the subjects. In addition, going through NCERT books for extra edge is always recommended.

  • Studying Previous Year’s Papers – All board students must practice previous years’ question papers and sample papers to get an understanding of the pattern and level of questions that are generally present in ICSE board papers. This process also provides an in-depth insight into the important topics that are often repeated. Going through and solving these papers will enhance the students’ speed and precision in dealing with questions in due time.

  • Maintaining Side Notes – One of the most important tips provided by the Calcutta Public School, deemed as the best in the list of ICSE schools in Kolkata is keeping handwritten side notes every time a student starts studying a new topic/chapter. These notes should essentially contain important points, dates (in the case of History), calculations, formulas, equations, etc. These side notes are to be kept handy and the key is to refer to these notes for further revision at any point in time and anywhere without having to carry the entire book or notebook.

  • Regular Revision – Revising the subjects regularly as per the timetable is a must for a student who is preparing for class 10 board exams of the ICSE curriculum. Regular revisions not only help the student remember the topics for a longer period but also help him resolve recurring doubts before the scheduled exams. Old chapters and topics must be regularly revised along with the learning of new chapters.

  • Evaluate Personal Strengths and Weaknesses – Self-criticism and self-evaluation, are the two founding pillars on which the structure of success rests. If done with the right intention these two practices can help any student achieve his desired goal of success. For this, candidates must evaluate their improvements and progress and give special attention to the topics that need extra effort. This kind of thorough analysis will help the students identify their strengths and weaknesses. The students get a clear understanding of their position and this smartness in turn helps them to achieve top results in the board exam.

Time Management:

Time management is a quality that not only helps during student life but also in the future. This virtue helps any individual to reach his expected goal in life. 

Factors that constitute proper and scientific time management are as follows:

  • Set Genuine Goals – Cut down long-term goals into small and realistic ones that are achievable in a short time like on a daily or weekly basis.

  • Allocate Time according to Priority – This includes dedicating more time to subjects and topics that require more attention. However, this does not allow a student to completely ignore a subject/topic that he is good at.

  • Study Schedule – creating and maintaining a study schedule or timetable that includes a comprehensive routine of what time to dedicate to a particular topic or subject, break time, recreational activities, etc., all on a day-to-day basis.

  • Learn to Manage Time – Effective time management techniques can help a student perform well and be more productive in their work, for example, the Pomodoro Approach.

  • Evade Procrastination: Realize the shortcomings of postponing things and work and try to overcome them. Practice acting on a situation immediately rather than scheduling it for the future.

The Calcutta Public School Insight:

Calcutta Public School is famed as one of the best private schools in Kolkata that has created history in maintaining top results in ICSE board exams since its inception. Their comprehensive curriculum and stress on holistic education, have made a reflective mark in nurturing students, year after year, and making them attain top marks in the board examinations. 

This achievement has helped them to earn fame among the highest-ranked schools in Kolkata. It has provided insights on how to study effectively for the ICSE board examinations:

  • Vigorous Learning – This technique is far better and preferable rather than inactive reading. Taking notes, solving queries, and writing short explanations on the topics learned is a good way to achieve in-depth learning.

  • Flashcards: Make flashcards for dates in history, definitions, equations, formulas, etc. Give them quick revisions regularly. This trick helps a lot in remembering difficult items and points in subjects.

  • Regular Practice – Practice is vital in subjects like language, mathematics, and science.

  • Joint Study – This policy if implemented properly is very effective. Group studies with classmates and friends provide a better understanding of the topic and develop a sense of healthy competition.

  • The Online Resource – Utilizing the content available online is also another modern way to score good marks. Educational apps, digital tools, and e-notes available on the internet help to strengthen a student’s knowledge. There one can get interactive resources on various subjects.

  • Periodic Revisions – Periodic revisions save students from forgetting important points from a note or topic. Leaving subjects or topics for last-minute revision will not help in attaining the desired result.

  • Ask for Help – Students should never hesitate or refrain from asking for help from teachers, guides, elders, or even classmates.

  • Stress Management – Fear of exams or subjects can be quite daunting and lead to immense amounts of stress and mental trauma. This can in turn affect the result of a student. Parents and elders must maintain a strict vigil and monitor their wards to mitigate the chances of any kind of mental stress or fear.

Wrapping UP

Consistency is the key when it comes to achieving a particular goal or height. Even in the realm of education, being consistent in regular studies, and practicing the habit of keeping a balance between healthy study and leisure, can prove to be effective. It can help all students of the best private schools in Kolkata, to ace the ICSE board exams. Working hard, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and practicing relaxation techniques from time to time can lead a student to successfully pass the examination with flying colors.


  1. I am a resident of south Kolkata. Suggest some good ICSE syllabus schools near me.

If you are a resident of south Kolkata and have one question i.e., ‘How can I get names of good ICSE syllabus schools near me,’ then the Calcutta Public School is the right school for your ward. With state-of-the-art facilities and a holistic approach towards education, this school can be called the best school for the ICSE curriculum in Kolkata.

  1. Do ICSE schools prepare their students for competitive exams?

Of course, as the board itself is acknowledged worldwide, the students are prepared keeping in mind the global competitions.

  1. Is the ICSE 10th syllabus vast?

The ICSE curriculum is designed keeping in mind a holistic approach towards education. Therefore the 10th syllabus is scientifically designed so that the students are not over-burdened and overwhelmed while learning.

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