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How Smart Classroom Technology Can Bring Effective Changes In Daily Lessons?

The invention of various kinds of technologies has become very common today and it is completely true that those technologies have really made our life easier as well as more comfortable. Our regular life is literally woven with the use of different types of technologies in such a way that if we are asked to live our daily life without those technologies, it will become completely impossible for us. 

The benefits of the technologies entirely depend on the way they are used and if utilised in the correct way they can fulfil all the expected demands of our modern lives, sometimes even our unprecedented needs. The education sector is quickly adopting technology as well. The teaching-learning process entirely depends on providing information and if this information becomes easily accessible with the help of smart technologies, the result will be extraordinary. One can easily find that almost all the top 10 schools in Durgapur have incorporated technology in their teaching-learning process to get better results. 

The classroom will seem more interesting and engaging to the students and they will feel a natural urge to learn more. Smartphones, tablets and computers have undoubtedly become an inseparable part of our daily lives and it is true that these devices may help you to find a large number of schools which are quite famous if you search by the terms “high schools near me.” But they can’t help you to find out whether those schools utilise modern technology or whether they really follow the right methods to make their classrooms smart. Calcutta Public School, one of the leading smart schools in Kolkata knows how to incorporate smart technologies in the classrooms to offer outstanding learning opportunities to the students irrespective of their age. 

What are the different types of smart classrooms?

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”- Albert Einstein had said this many decades ago. This training is only possible in the best way when the classrooms include all the smart features. Different forms of technology can be used to convert a normal classroom into a smart one. The basic advantage of the smart classroom is that the teachers don’t need to put much effort to keep the students engaged in their lessons. The students naturally remain active and feel interested to learn more. The integration of technology also creates opportunities to meet the specific needs of each and every student in a large classroom.

There are three basic types of smart classrooms. They are listed below.

1. Intermediate smart classrooms

2. Standard smart classrooms 

3. Student-led smart classrooms

The matter of selecting the type of smart classroom entirely depends on the school authority. and the decision is taken according to the teaching-learning demands of the students and the teachers. It also remains a major point of consideration as to which one will integrate easily into their current curriculum. To ensure that your child receives the best of modern education, you should admit your child to Calcutta Public School which can be called a pioneer in integrating all the smart classroom technologies. 

How Calcutta Public School has incorporated smart classroom technologies? 

Simply having all the elements of smart classroom technologies is not enough. A school also needs to plan out the right ways to incorporate those elements to make a classroom digitally smart. It will never give an effective result unless the right strategies are adopted by the schools. Just like the best English medium school in Kolkata, Calcutta Public Schools also don’t follow the conventional methods of teaching, as we believe that adopting modern and advanced technologies always give better results compared to those old and hackneyed teaching methods. We use the latest technology to stay connected with the parents and keep them well-informed about all recent announcements related to our school. 

Instead of using normal blackboards, we prefer to use smartboards which are also called ‘interactive whiteboards’. This is a great tool to strengthen the presentations as well as give them a smart look. We are also planning to use an internet-connected stylus to annotate images or documents which will be projected on the board as it will be an excellent way to make the students more enriched with information. Additional pictures and supplemented audio and video may be included here. We are also trying to keep a connection between the previous lesson and the next lesson to reinforce the memory of the students. Are you still thinking about going through the list of the “high schools and nursery school near me”? If you are, keep reading this article and we are sure your mind will be changed.


  • We understand that a cloud-based communication system is essential, as it can provide a lot of benefits. Outstanding internet communication technologies like Augmented Reality, voice-over-IP, IP-telephony, and cloud video conferencing can enable a teacher to give 3-D demonstrations in real-time and plan virtual field trips to locations. Doesn’t it sound exciting? Yes, the smart classroom facilities are really unending and each one of them will provide the students with unexpected benefits. 



  • Almost all of us are quite familiar with the methods of using apps on our phones. We have taken our classrooms online with our specialised app. Here, we feature all important announcements and notices, along with the regular classwork and homework. This ensures that parents are entirely up to date with what is happening in school and students who have been absent can keep up with their studies. As the students are quite familiar with these technologies, they feel more at ease using them and it also helps the teachers to keep the students more engaged. The use of electronic textbooks will help the students to dive deep into any subject because each of the contents will include links that can offer more resources to them. In the end, they will also receive key concept summaries and lesson plan-related digital flashcards through our app. 



  • Calcutta Public Schools which is one of the most noted high schools near Kolkata, West Bengal, acclimatise the students with several online quizzes and practice tests which are done virtually. Our teachers are adept at designing multiple choice as well as subjective quizzes featuring a range of different questions which cover all of the parameters of Bloom’s taxonomy so that students can imbibe the best quality of learning while upgrading their technological skills to fit the modern world around them.



  • We have projectors and audio-visual room facilities on campus which are frequently used during regular classes. The use of the readymade teaching learning resources projected on the screen will give a uniquely fun, visual experience to the students that keeps them highly engaged in their lessons. So, don’t feel any hesitation in admitting your child to Calcutta Public School. Here we try to incorporate all the elements of smart classrooms and we think you don’t want to miss the chance to make your child educated through smart methods. Isn’t it?



  • Our app also has provisions for students to be able to access all the e-learning materials, watch the recorded classes, submit their assessments and even clarify their doubts. But for that, we also need active participation and support from the side of the parents of our students. 


Never depend on the list that Google has given you as an answer to your search for the “high schools near me”, as it will only give you the name of the schools, not a clear and transparent idea about the teaching-learning methods that are followed by those schools. We know that smart classroom technology will increase the learning opportunities for the students because the classrooms will become more engaging with fun activities. The teachers will also make new experiments with diverse learning strategies. In the end, we firmly believe that a smart classroom has all the essential abilities to make the students more curious towards their learning and make them future-ready in the best way. But as parents, you should also be a little conscious of your child receiving the best that modern education has to offer. Don’t make the same mistake that a large number of parents do at the time of admitting their child to a school.


The process of education needs to be at par with technology to match modern-day needs and revolving around the phrases like “high schools near me”, can never be a wise way to find the best school. New technologies need to be adopted to make students more engaged and interested in their lessons. That is why, at Calcutta Public School, we try our best to incorporate all the features of the smart classroom. Partnering with us will improve your child’s learning abilities in leaps and bounds and prepare them for our quickly developing modern world.

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