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LKG Admission-Choose the Best School for Your Child’s Primary Education

In today’s time, we live in a competitive world. To thrive in this competitive world, you have to excel in your work. This will happen only if you have had the best education from the beginning. Education is the only aspect which will help you to excel in your future endeavours in life. So it is the key factor in shaping an individual’s life. Parents these days are looking for the best schools for their kids as early as possible.

 As soon as a child turns three years old, parents start to look for the best schools for LKG admissions. One of the reasons behind this is that no parent wants to see their kids lag behind in their studies. In older days there was no concept of kindergarten, however, as time has moved on people have understood the importance of kindergarten education and its implications for later life.

For years many people didn’t understand the importance of kindergarten education and its impact on the pupils. With time, education systems have changed a lot. So these days every parent knows the role that kindergarten plays in a child’s life. Kindergarten lays out the solid foundation for a kid’s future. From the very beginning, every parent wants their child to excel. Therefore parents are rushing to enrol their kids in kindergarten. To save you from the painful ordeal of running here and there, we have brought you the best school for your kid’s LKG admission. Calcutta Public School is one of the top choices for any parent in the city to enrol their kid into LKG. Their experience in handling kids is impeccable and they provide the right atmosphere for kids to thrive. With their best faculty and infrastructure, they have become ideal schools for elementary education. 

Why LKG education is so much important for your kids?

LKG education is considered the building block of a child’s education. This is the place where a kid tries to get an idea of the modern world through learning. Teachers in kindergarten introduce a kid to the world of knowledge through interactive learning. They are taught basic concepts of mathematics, science and languages. 

Children pick up these concepts from the audio-visual and interactive activities in the class. This helps them to develop a solid base of fundamentals. Building a strong foundation will help them to excel in the future. So obviously you don’t want your kid to miss out on this, right? This will eventually pave the way for your child’s education in the future. So without a doubt, you can come to Calcutta Public School, the best school for LKG admission. With trained teaching staff, they are perfectly capable of taking good care of your child. Through their various interactive learning procedures, they introduce the kids to various types of new concepts of fundamental education. They make learning for the students engaging and do not burden their pupils with pressure.

Imparting LKG education is very similar to providing nourishment to young kids. As the kids in the lower kindergarten are very young, they have a very limited understanding of the world. So it becomes very important to take utmost care of them. Every kid is different from one another, so every one of them will need individual attention to their needs. That is why the teaching methods of LKG at Calcutta Public School are a league apart from others. 

Their infrastructure and their teaching staff provide every child with the proper ambience for learning. For example, if you ever enter their LKG classrooms you will never want to leave. The classrooms are designed in such a way that it captivates a child’s mind. All the LKG classrooms are decorated with toys, wall decorations, charts and many more preschool items for learning. There are several contributing factors in the LKG syllabus ICSE that help a kid to learn about the basic concepts, and fundamentals of mathematics, science, and literature. The highly trained teachers at Calcutta Public School use teaching aids such as modelling clay, hand puppets, flashcards, building blocks and many other learning tools to make classes entertaining for the tiny tots.

As the LKG students are really young they have a lot of energy. Therefore many parents find it almost impossible to cope with their kid’s energy. Children of such a young age usually have nothing else to do, so it is vital to keep them busy with something productive. It is almost impossible for parents to come up with new activities every day to keep their children busy. Moreover, they will get bored very easily if you make them do the same thing over and over again. 

To grab their attention you have to do something interesting every time. To make them learn new concepts you will have to come up with interactive techniques.  Again, parents can’t do all this by themselves. It is impossible to provide the kind of atmosphere that a school provides to a young kid in a home. These are the precious years of a kid’s life. If it is wasted at home doing nothing productive, it will be useless. Consequently, they will lag in their future studies. So it is always advisable to enrol your kid into one of the best LKG schools in Kolkata. So Calcutta Public School is one of the best choices for anyone looking to enrol their child for LKG admission. 

Why Calcutta Public School should be your only choice for admitting your child to the LKG class? 

Every program at the Calcutta Public School is designed to make learning fun and engaging for the pupils. We strictly follow the LKG syllabus ICSE.  All the teaching and non-teaching staff are well-trained and experienced in managing such young kids. They help the kids to channel their energy into doing something productive in an interactive way. For instance, some of the programs include telling stories, learning letter writing in clay, colouring letters and numbers, playing with geometrical shapes, jigsaw puzzles, board games and many more activities. This will help you to get an idea of the fun and activity-based teaching procedure here at Calcutta Public School. 

We all know that parents today feel more anxious about the LKG admissions of their children. They always search for a good school that makes their future ready. Every parent wants to choose the best school for their ward and there is no wrong with it. After all, why not? It is a matter of their child’s future. To save you from being confused with countless options, we are suggesting admitting your child to Calcutta Public School, the best school in Kolkata for primary and secondary education. So come to Calcutta Public School which has three branches at Kalikapur, Bidhan Park and Barasat and register your child with us! Let your child shine with their own talents. 

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the right age for a child to join LKG?

The right age for a kid to join lower kindergarten is 4 years. It is around this age when a child slowly starts to understand the surroundings and know the basics of the mother tongue. Around this age, children are old enough to communicate their needs and their problems to the teachers. Similarly, they are mature enough to spend a few hours without their parents. They develop a sense of curiosity and understanding during this age. This helps them to understand new concepts. So this is a very important criterion for a child to get selected for LKG. Usually, children lower than 3 years of age are not accepted at lower kindergarten. The reason being children lower than 3 years of age are not mature enough. They won’t be able to communicate correctly with the teachers. Then the students won’t be able to tell their teachers about their needs.  Moreover, such young children should spend most of their time with their parents which is also very important for a child’s proper growth and development.

2. Is LKG very important for a child?

The answer is yes. The education received at lower kindergarten or LKG sets the foundation for the kid’s future education. Here, a child first understands the basic concepts of mathematics, science and literature. You can say that LKG is the critical step in a  child’s education. The curriculum of LKG focuses on developing the analytical mind of the child. So that they can understand the basic concepts of problem-solving. Apart from this, they also learn to develop literary skills through various interactive programmes. Not only do they learn about the fundamentals, but they also learn about their environment, discipline, communicating, adapting to a new environment, and obeying orders also. Each of these qualities a child needs in the later stages of life to excel. Additionally, this is also the first time that a child also gets to spend some time without their parents. This could be tough for some kids. To adjust to a new environment can take some time. Over time, they learn to adjust to their surroundings. So when they start primary schooling a few years later, it won’t be a problem for them. Finally, here in kindergarten, a child makes new friends and learns to socialise with others. Most of them have not seen so many kids of the same age in the same place before. Here they understand the basic concept of social interaction and learn to make new friends. So lower kindergarten education is very important for a young kid. Otherwise, the child might lag behind in many aspects in the future.

Related Article: Preparation Tips For Parents To Get Your Child Ready For LKG Admission

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