best icse school in kolkata

List of Schools Near Me – How to Choose the Best School in Kolkata

Raising a child properly is one of the most demanding jobs in the world. This is one of the jobs for which nobody will adequately prepare you and we all know this. Although it is very hard, it is also one of the most fulfilling jobs in the world. Everyone wants to give their best to their child so that they become successful in life. Education is one of the most important aspects of raising a child and plays a very significant role in shaping their future. Proper education plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of a child, which is why every parent always tries to provide the best education for their kid.

It is not so easy to find the right school straightaway. Finding the right school is a daunting task for any parent. It is not just the school, but choosing the right examination board which is also tough. Although every examination board looks similar at the outset, the fact is that all examination boards are different from each other. Although every Indian examination board strives to provide the best to their pupils, there are certain advantages of some over the others which will help your child stand apart from the rest.

You must be scratching your head about how to find the right one. Don’t worry, we have already done the heavy work for you. After comparing all the examination boards in India we conclude that the ICSE board is the best board for a child. We have compared all the data including their curriculum, teaching techniques, infrastructure, etc. After considering all these parameters ICSE schools triumph over other examination boards with flying colours. So Calcutta Public School, a leading ICSE school is always the right choice for any parent who wishes to enroll their child in the best school. With three branches all over Kolkata, at Kalikapur, Bidhan Park and Barasat, you can choose the branch which is nearest to you and visit them today!

You don’t need to go through the list of icse schools in kolkata to find the best one as we have already done the detailed research for you. After comparing all the schools in Kolkata it can be said without doubt that Calcutta Public School is one of the best ICSE schools in Kolkata. It is one of the top choices for most parents. They are one of the frontrunners when it comes to providing holistic education to their students. Calcutta Public School has three branches in Kolkata, so it becomes very convenient for parents to choose the one that is nearer to them. All the branches in Kolkata are easily accessible from every part of the city. Further, the school also offers seamless and hassle-free inter-branch transfers in case you plan on moving from one part of the city to another for any reason.

Moreover, getting the right school near your home for your ward is a huge advantage too. This will be great for you and your family as it will save travelling time. It will help your kid to dedicate more time into their studies. You will also be able to spend more quality time with your child and let them explore their other interests outside of school. Along with convenience, it is equally important to choose the right school that will suit your child, in terms of the learning environment. If you get excellent infrastructure as well as outstanding quality of teaching, along with convenience of location, then it will be an added advantage for you. Hence Calcutta Public School is always the first choice for everyone because here, your child will receive the best education from highly trained faculty and a special child-centric curriculum. Their trained staff are experienced in imparting the best education to their pupils in innovative ways. In addition to this, Calcutta Public School is very accessible to everyone and affordable as well. So it is a win-win situation for any parent.

Ultimately you want the best for your kid. Additionally, if the school is nearer to you, it will be an added bonus. So Calcutta Public School is the right option for you. As it has more than one branch in the city, it has become easier for many students to access it from every corner of the city. And the best part is that Calcutta Public School has no franchises, so all the branches are under the same management and provide exactly the same quality of education. That is why Calcutta Public School has always remained the first choice for most parents over the years.

School is the important place where a child gains most of the knowledge of life. So it remains very crucial to choose the right school for your kid. Calcutta Public School remains one of the top choices for many parents across the city. Their highly experienced teaching and non-teaching staff are perfectly capable of taking good care of your child. Over the years they have nurtured many toppers who have excelled in their chosen fields. It is very rare to find a school like Calcutta Public School that is one of the best schools in the city and easily accessible in multiple locations across the city. So what are you waiting for? Come and enroll your kid in one of the best schools in Kolkata!

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the advantages of enrolling your child in the ICSE board?

There are many advantages to enrolling your child in an ICSE school. Given below are some of the points.

1. The curriculum of an ICSE school always puts more effort into the English language. All of the subjects on the ICSE board are taught in English. This helps a kid to get a firm grasp of the language. This will help them to pursue higher education at the best institutes and get the best placements in the job market. Furthermore, even if they wish to shift to any English-speaking country in the future, then communication won’t be a problem for them.

2. The curriculum of the ICSE board is very comprehensive, it strives to provide all round education to their kids. In addition to that, they provide a variety of subjects to their students. They provide this flexibility to their students so that they can choose the subjects of their liking. This will help them to develop a deeper interest in the subjects of their choice. Students passing out from the ICSE board will have a lot more exposure to different fields of study.

3. Teaching techniques of ICSE schools are different from any other board. An ICSE school always focuses on developing the analytical part of the brain. This will help students develop problem solving skills in life. Rather than just providing the students with notes to mug up, they put more focus on helping students to understand the fundamental concepts. This way a student can take up any stream for higher education and excel in it.

4. Lastly, many foreign universities and schools accept ICSE results. As a result, it is a huge advantage for any student if they wish to pursue their education outside India. They don’t have to go through several screening procedures to get admission in reputed institutes abroad.

So here are the four main advantages of enrolling your child in an ICSE school.

    • Is the ICSE board difficult to cope with?

The answer is no. The ICSE board is always the first choice for many parents across the country because it provides a comprehensive curriculum for their students. The ICSE curriculum is set after consulting many advisors across the country such as educators, psychologists and industry specialists. Their main priority is always the children. It is never their intention to put undue pressure on the kids. The icse board school in kolkata is always striving to provide the best holistic education for their pupils.

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