Why It Is Important To Pick The Right Nursery School For Your Child? 

The growth process of a child is not at all easy, it involves a series of challenges which need to be handled wisely by the parents. At the initial stage, they will have to understand the basic needs of their child, but when the child starts growing, they need to take crucial decisions which are related to the future of the child. One such decision is selecting the right nursery school for their child. The importance of choosing the right elementary school is already known to us. A school is a child’s second home and both the parents and the school play an equally important role in the developmental process of a child. You can only unlock the best benefits of pre-school only when you choose the right nursery school for your child. When it comes to nursery admission, almost all parents prioritise this as they want their child to be fully equipped to be successful in this world. Building a solid foundation with the help of good quality education at the elementary level is extremely important and selecting the right nursery school can be considered as the stepping stone which ensures a strong foundation to start their academic journey. 

Tips from Calcutta Public School to help parents in the process of selecting the right nursery school for your child:

Being a top-rated nursery school in Kolkata, we have a prolonged experience in dealing with the anxiety and tension of the parents when they start visiting schools for the nursery admission of their child. The entire process is primarily dominated by the fear of choosing the wrong school. It is something that prevents them from making the right decision. But you don’t need to be so worried. So, to make this phase easier for you, we are giving you some useful tips. 

  • Before starting the process of selecting a school for your child, it is necessary to find out the mental development of your child. Focus on it and try to point out what your child can learn at that age, not only in terms of academics but also beyond it.  Note down the learning requirements of your child and start looking for a school for your child once you have done this. 
  • Don’t always look for a school that is situated near your house. Almost all parents do this. It is undeniable that a suitable distance from the home saves travelling time. But it can also prevent you from selecting the best possible option which might be a little farther away.
  • Always select a school where your child can continue studying even beyond the elementary level. This ensures that your child is exposed to the same learning environment during their primary, middle and secondary schooling so that they are completely in their comfort zone. Changing schools can be very difficult for children as they need to cope with a new environment and form new social bonds, so avoid standalone preschools and choose an established school.
  • While you are going through the list of schools it is essential to apply filters according to your child’s interests. It is essential as it will allow you to find out whether the facilities provided by the school are perfectly aligned with the learning abilities and talents of your child. 

What will your child learn at the preschool level if you admit your child to Calcutta Public School?

The learning requirements of the students should be perfectly matched with the facilities offered by a school. This is really vital in the elementary stage of education. The nursery section of our school will really help your child to achieve several learning milestones. We are fully equipped to provide the best benefits of early childhood education to your child. 

  1. After completing the hectic process of nursery admission, all the parents feel a little relieved by thinking that their child will get the best quality education that strengthens their educational base. We understand that and that is why apart from providing them with a high quality of education, we give equal stress to cognitive development as it is directly related to the thinking, understanding and reasoning ability of the children.  It is quite natural for the kids to ask questions and it becomes more important when they start learning. We encourage them to ask more questions as it is the only way for them to understand everything. Basic importance is given to simple reasoning, visual determination, understanding the cause and effect and also the increased attention span. 
  2. Increasing the motor development of the students is also our motto. We use several techniques to boost the gross motor skills and the fine motor skills of the students. Our specially designed physical and mental activities are appropriate for promoting both the motor skills of the children. Our students enjoy regular physical education, zumba, yoga and meditation classes to aid them in their holistic development. We also have timetabled art and craft, singing and rhymes lessons for our students to cultivate their talents.
  3. Emotional development plays a very vital role when a child starts growing. In this stage, they need some assistance to control their emotions. It generally starts from the age of 3-4 which is ideal for nursery admission. We follow the right ways to help them in developing emotional skills that assist them to regulate their emotions. We teach them to apologize in case they do something wrong and also remain grateful if they get help from anybody. We have trained attendants who are constantly available to assist our students with all their needs.
  4. We give prime importance to both the verbal and non-verbal interactions of the students with each other as it ultimately leads to the social development of the students. Constant interactions with new people builds up the confidence of the students and this tender age is perfect for acquiring social skills. We help them to develop ideas about how to make new friends and acquaintances, how to open up to new teachers, how to cultivate relationships and many other crucial life skills. Apart from these other important aspects of social development like listening, responding to others, cooperating with others or communicating is also given equal importance. 

Wrapping up 

Nursery schools are the first exposure that children have to the outside world, so it is important to treat the matter of nursery admission with great importance. The Calcutta Public group of Schools guarantees that your child will get the comfort of their home when they enter our nursery section. Our extraordinary faculty and facilities will surely help your child to keep being engaged in the learning process as well as make them feel safe and secure. 


1. How to choose the best nursery school? 

The matter of nursery admission for your child is not a piece of cake, especially for the parents. You will have to go through the list that contains names of countless schools and also check whether they are adopting impressive as well as modern methods to guide the students through the entire period of preschooling.  The situation becomes more confusing when all your chosen schools promise to offer the best opportunities for your child that will help in the process of development. But still, there are several factors which need to be considered by you in order to choose the best nursery schools for your child.  All these factors will reveal the potentiality of the school. They are listed below. 

  • The student-teacher ratio is important, as it determines the quality of education.  
  • One should always check the reviews of the schools. 
  • Try to find out if the school provides the right exposure to the students in terms of external competitions or events. 
  • Check if the school provides any kind of transport facilities for the students. 
  • Check if the school is properly able to meet all the academic, social and emotional needs of your child. 
  • Find out what additional facilities the school has such as swimming, karate and other extracurricular activities.
  • Ask whether the school premises are under CCTV surveillance as the safety and security of little kids is paramount.

2. How can a nursery school help a child to acquire various social skills? 

A nursery school plays a dominant role in the life of children as they spend a large part of their day  in school. Even when they are away from school, they remain connected to it through various tasks that are directly related to school. So selecting the right school for your child is highly necessary as it directly influences the future career of your child. Apart from this, schools also play a vital role in the mental development of children. As soon as a child is admitted to the nursery section of a school, the process of development is also started. Nursery schools provide the right shape for the future of the children. Several techniques are designed in order to help children to learn various types of skills. Basically at this stage, a child learns social, emotional, motor and cognitive skills. Through different types of activities, a school makes sure that the children are becoming equipped with all the necessary skills. The responsibility of keeping in constant touch with the parents is also taken by the schools so that they can cooperate with the school if there is any problem. They provide the accurate information to the parents about the latest development of their child and also acquire necessary information about the children from them in order to boost the entire process of development. The school always takes every step to ensure that the formative years of your child will not go in vain. 

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